On August 6, 1945 a bomb was dropped on Hiroshima city in Japan, the United States which began to demoralize the spirit of the Japanese army in the world. A day later renamed BPUPKI PPKI (The Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence) to further confirm the desire and the aim of achieving the independence of Indonesia. On August 9, 1945, a second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, causing the Japanese surrendered to the United States and its allies. This moment is also used by Indonesia to declare independence.Soekarno Hatta as lead manager and Radjiman PPKI Wedyodiningrat as a former chairman of BPUPKI flown to Dalat, 250 km northeast of Saigon, Vietnam to meet with Marshal Terauchi. They reported that Japanese troops were on the verge of defeat and will give independence to Indonesia. Meanwhile in Indonesia, on August 10, 1945, Sutan Syahrir have heard the news over the radio that Japan had surrendered to the Allies. Underground fighters preparing to declare independence, and reject the form of independence that is given as a gift of Japan. Syahrir poet Chairil Anwar told about the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and that Japan has received an ultimatum from the Allies to surrender. Syahrir know it through foreign radio broadcasts, which when it is forbidden. This information is then spread in the environment of the youth especially the supporters Syahrir.On August 12, 1945, Japan by Marshal Terauchi in Dalat, Vietnam, told Sukarno, Hatta and Radjiman that the Japanese government will soon grant independence to Indonesia and the proclamation of independence can be carried out within a few days, depending on how the PPKI. [1] Despite this Japan wants Indonesia's independence on 24 August.Two days later, when Sukarno, Hatta and Radjiman return to their homeland from Dalat, Syahrir urged Sukarno declared independence immediately because it considers the results of the meeting in Dalat as a ruse Japan, because Japan every moment had to be surrendered to the Allies and for the sake of avoiding a split in the camp nationalists, among which anti-and pro-Japanese. Syahrir Hatta told about the results of the meeting in Dalat.Meanwhile, prepare Syahrir followers who will demonstrate and even may have to be ready to face the Japanese army in that they will use violence. Syahrir has compiled text of the proclamation and has been sent to the entire Java to be printed and distributed.Sukarno did not believe that Japan had surrendered, and the proclamation of independence of Indonesia as it can cause great bloodshed, and can cause serious fatal if the fighters Indonesia was not ready. Soekarno Hatta reminded that Syahrir no right to declare independence because it is the right of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). Meanwhile Syahrir agency considers PPKI is made in Japan and the proclamation of independence by PPKI only a 'gift' from Japan.
On August 14, 1945 Japan surrendered to the Allies. Army and Navy of Japan was still in power in Indonesia because Japan has promised to restore power in the hands of Indonesia to the Netherlands. Sutan Sjahrir, Wikana, Dervish, and Chaerul Saleh heard this news through the BBC radio. After hearing rumors of Japanese going to his knees, the young faction faction urged parents to immediately proclaimed the independence of Indonesia. But the older group did not want to rush. They do not want the bloodshed at the time of the proclamation. Consultation meetings were conducted in the form PPKI. Young Group does not approve the meeting, considering PPKI is a body established by the Japanese. They want freedom for our nation's own efforts, instead of Japan.Sukarno and Hatta went to the military ruler of Japan (Gunsei) to obtain confirmation in his office in Koningsplein (Medan Merdeka). But the office was empty.Sukarno and Hatta together Soebardjo Bukanfu then to the office, Admiral Maeda, on Jalan Imam Bonjol no. 1. Maeda welcoming them with congratulations on their success in Dalat. As he replied he had not received a confirmation and are still awaiting instructions from Tokyo. On his return from Maeda, Sukarno and Hatta immediately prepare Indonesian Independence Preparatory Committee meeting (PPKI) on August 16 at 10 pm the next day at the office Pejambon Road No. 2 to discuss all things related to the Constitution which the day before had been prepared Hatta.A day later, the pressure fluctuation which requires the takeover of power by Indonesia's followers waged soared Syahrir. PPKI Meeting on August 16 at 10 am was not implemented because the Sukarno and Hatta did not appear. The meeting participants did not know the event has occurred Rengasdengklok
as events Rengasdengklok. The aim is that Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta is not affected by the Japanese. Here, they re-assured Soekarno that Japan had surrendered and the fighters were ready to fight the Japanese, no matter what.In Jakarta, the young group, Wikana, and old groups, namely Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo conduct negotiations. Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo agreed to proclaim the independence of Indonesia in Jakarta. then diutuslah Yusuf Ahmad Soebardjo Kunto to take into Rengasdengklok. They pick up Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta returned to Jakarta. Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo managed to convince the youth to not rush - rush to proclaim independence. After arriving in Jakarta, they immediately headed to the house of Admiral Maeda on Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 1 (now the National Library building-MONE) is expected to secure from Japan. About 15 youths demanding Sukarno declared independence immediately by radio, followed by the takeover of power. They also rejected a plan to declare independence PPKI on 16 August.
Meeting Soekarno / Hatta with General Yamamoto and Admiral MaedaIn the evening, Sukarno and Hatta returned to Jakarta, met with Lieutenant General Moichiro Yamamoto, commander of the Army's military government (Gunseikan) in the Dutch East Indies with the knowledge of Major General Otoshi Nishimura, Head of the Department of General Affairs of the Japanese military government. Of communication between Hatta and right-hand Japanese commander on Java, Sukarno and Hatta became convinced that Japan had surrendered to the Allies, and no longer have the authority to grant independence.After that they spent the night at the residence of Admiral Maeda (now Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 1) to conduct a meeting to prepare the text of the Proclamation. The meeting was attended by Soekarno, M. Hatta, Achmad Soebardjo, Soekarni and Sajuti Melik. Once the draft is complete agreement, Sajuti copying and typing the manuscript. At first reading of the proclamation will be made in the Field Ikada, due to security reasons moved to the residence of Sukarno, Pegangsaan Road 56 East [2] (now Jl. Proclamation no. 1).Previously, the youth suggested that the text of the proclamation stated that all government officials should be controlled by people from foreign parties that still prevail. But the majority of the members and disetujuilah PPKI reject such a manuscript proclamation until now.The youths also demanded that the six young men co-signed the proclamation with Sukarno and Hatta, and not the members PPKI. The youths think PPKI represent Japan. Compromise was realized by adding the phrase "on behalf of the Indonesian nation" Soekarno-Hatta.
Seconds Manuscript Reading Proclamation
The original of the proclamation which was placed on the National Monument to the frame [3]Negotiations between the young group and old group in preparing the text of the Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia took place at 2:00 to 4:00 a.m. in the morning. The text of the proclamation was written in the dining room at the residence of Sukarno, Jl. Pegangsaan 56 East Jakarta. The compilers of the text of the proclamation it was Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Moh. Hatta, and Mr. Ahmad Soebarjo. The concept of the text of the proclamation was written by Ir. Sukarno himself. In the front room, attend BM Diah Sayuti Melik, Sukarni and Soediro. Sukarni proposed that the signed text of the proclamation it was Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation. Indonesia's Proclamation text typed by Sayuti Melik. In the morning, 17 August 1945, at the residence of Sukarno, Pegangsaan Road 56 East was present among others Soewirjo, Wilopo, Gafar Pringgodigdo, Tabrani and Trimurti. Events begin at 10:00 with the reading of the proclamation by Sukarno and connected speech without text. Then the flag, which had been sewn by bu Fatmawati, flown, followed by remarks by Soewirjo, deputy mayor of Jakarta at the time and Moewardi, chairman of the Barisan Pioneer.Trine initially asked to raise the flag but he refused on the grounds pengerekan flag should be performed by a soldier. Therefore instituted a Hendraningrat Latif, a soldier PETA, assisted by Soehoed to the task. A young woman emerged from behind a tray of red and white flag (Sang Saka Merah Putih), which is sewn by Fatmawati a few days earlier. After the flag waves, the audience singing Indonesia Raya. [4]. Until recently, the flag heritage is still stored in the Museum National Monument.After the ceremony took place, approximately 100 members, led Barisan Pioneer S. Brata come in a hurry because they do not know where the sudden change from Ikada to Pegangsaan. They are demanding Sukarno's Proclamation of repeated readings, but was rejected. Finally Hatta gave a brief message to them. [5]
On August 18, 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) make decisions, approve and establish the Constitution (the Constitution) as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter known as the Constitution 45. Thus, the State Government formed the shape of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) with sovereignty in the hands of the people who carried out entirely by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) which will be established later.
After that Sukarno and M. Hatta was chosen at the suggestion of Otto Iskandardinata and approval of PPKI as president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia first. President and vice president will be assisted by a National Committee.Contents Text ProclamationFill in the brief text of the proclamation of independence is:We Indonesian people hereby declare the independence of Indonesia.Matters concerning the transfer of kekoeasaan etc, are maintainedwith methods carefully and within the shortest-singkatnja.Djakarta, days 17 moon 8 tahoen 05On behalf of the Indonesian nation.Soekarno / Hatta
Here, written in 2005 because this year according to the Japanese who was then the year 2605.Authentic ManuscriptThe text above is a result of Sayuti Melik typed (or Sajoeti Melik), onea youth leader who took part in the preparation of the proclamation.While the script is actually a spin-Muh.Hatta, A. Soebardjo, and assisted byIr.Soekarno as registrar. The sound of an authentic manuscript text was as follows:ProclamationWe Indonesian people hereby declare the independence of Indonesia.Matters concerning the transfer of kekoeasaan etc, are maintainedwith methods carefully and in the shortest-singkatnja tempoh.Djakarta, 17 - 8 - '45Wakil2 nation of Indonesia.
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